nourished roots thrive

Hi, I’m Hallie.

A NTA-Certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) based in Southeast Michigan. My mission is to empower clients (locally and virtually) to embrace the healing power of food.

As a FNTP I use a deep foundational and bio-individual approach to functional, holistic nutrition to balance body chemistry and achieve optimal wellness. I specialize in liver/gallbladder health, and detoxification. With a goal to help individuals keep their gallbladders, and educate those without them!

What lead me to Nutritional Therapy?

In 2017, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (chronic hives). Imagine, head to toe hives, 24/7 itchiness, and extreme fatigue. I was desperate for answers. However, neither my primary care physician, nor allergist could determine what was causing the autoimmune response or the hives, sending me home with 4x the recommended dose of antihistamines.

Desperate to find relief, I started my own research. I knew deep down, there had to be a reason I was experiencing hives! Ultimately, this research led me to the NTA program, where I decided to become a FNTP. It was through this course that I learned the value of uncovering the root cause of a symptom, rather than masking it.

I was my first client.

The combination of eating nutrient dense foods, finding hidden food sensitives, removing toxins, and incorporating proper supplementation, the intensity of the hives started to lessen, and my fatigue started to fade. After 2 years of experiencing constant hives, I finally started to find relief six months into the program! I proudly share today that I have been hive & medication free since June 2020! If you would like to know more about my journey, check out my blog post!

Now that I know what the combination of nutrient-dense food, proper supplementation, and lifestyles changes can do. I want to share it with you!

Instead of masking the symptoms of your chronic conditions, let me help you nourish the root cause!

my services

What is Functional Nutritional Therapy?

Functional Nutritional Therapy is a science-based, holistic approach to wellness that respects the bio-individuality of each person, evaluating underlying nutritional needs and imbalances that lead to dysfunction in the body. We use a combination of whole food nutrition, lifestyle, and supplementation (when needed) to address the foundations of health. Instead of masking the symptoms, we address them. Please note: FNTP’s are not trained to diagnose or treat disease, illness or injury.

Nutritional therapy is not a quick fix magic pill, and there is no one size fits all diet. Based on your unique need, we will utilize the healing power of food, along with lifestyle changes and healthy habits to assist the body in what it needs to thrive. Through detailed questioners, in depth evaluations and the body’s response mechanisms, I will guide and educate you on how to address any weakness through a properly prepared, whole foods diet to help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Personalized Nutritional Therapy

Personalized, bio-individual recommendations that are tailored to help you advance on your personalized path to optimal health and wellness.



The RESTART program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. With a 3 – week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammatino and get rid of sugar and carb cravings. Disvocer how good you can feel!


Functional Nutritional Assessment

Identify which organ systems may be under stress, and uncover what nutrient(s) your body needs to thrive.

Please note: the functional nutritional assessment is done in person, and only for those local to SE Michigan.

Let’s Talk!

Schedule a FREE 20-minute no obligation discovery consultation. I want you to share your story!

We can chat about your health concerns/goals and I can share with you how I can help support your health & wellness goals!

“Hallie is incredible to work with!  She is compassionate, kind, thoughtful, funny, and deeply interested in getting to the root of one’s health issues.  I don’t know many people who listen as intently and with as much care as she does.  She embodies love and strength and peace.  I feel incredibly privileged to work with her and I’d wholeheartedly recommend the same for others looking to improve their health!”

– Larissa